Château Saint-Lô and the Manche
Jean-Baptiste de Rémilly, son of an apothecary native of Saint Lô and a woman from Coutances, went bankrupt as a result of bad deals, and flees the Manche in 1828. He settles in Libourne, hometown of his wife, Eugénie Monier. In 1832 he plants vines on the estates his wife, Eugénie owns in Saint Pey d’Armens. He soon becomes impassioned by the vines he so often visits. He is distinguished by his concern for selection of terroirs and grapes, true pioneers for its time. In 1887, Jean-Emile de Rémilly names the vintage Saint Lô after his grand father’s origins, native from Manche. Only in the late nineteenth century the first references to the estate appear by its current name, either on the first Féret guide of the Libournais wines, or, even more astounding, on the list of shipped wines the Consul of Siam addressed to his Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris. Jean Émile settles at the domain and has built the beautiful chartreuse building, currently made into a guesthouse and develops the chateau’s park.
Even nowadays loyal customers from the department of the Manche maintain the funding links that prevail between the Château Saint Lô and the Normand shores.